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Download Realme 5 RMX1911 CDC USB Driver

CDC (Communications Device Class) USB drivers are software drivers that enable communication between a computer and a USB device that follows the CDC standard. CDC is a USB class specification commonly used for devices like modems, serial converters, and certain types of microcontrollers.

To obtain CDC USB drivers for a specific device, you typically need to visit the manufacturer's website or search for the specific device model along with "CDC USB driver" in an internet search engine. Manufacturers often provide driver downloads or installation instructions on their support or downloads page.

It's important to note that CDC USB drivers are device-specific, so you'll need to ensure you're downloading the correct driver for your particular device and operating system.

If you have a specific CDC USB device in mind, please provide more details, such as the device model or manufacturer, so I can assist you further in finding the appropriate driver.

Driver Name: CDC Driver

Driver Size: 16.06KB

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How to connect Realme 5 RMX1911 with PC using CDC Driver

In this article, we shared a complete guide step by step on how to install CDC USB Driver.

Step 01: First of all, you need to download the latest CDC USB driver, and extract it on your computer desktop. If you would like to connect your Realme 5 RMX1911 to the computer. See the below image:

install CDC USB Driver

Step 02: Now, You should open Device Manager >>> Action >>> Add legacy hardware. See the below image:

Add legacy hardware using device manager

Step 03: After that, click the Next button to Add legacy hardware wizard. See the below image:

click the Next button to Add legacy hardware wizard

Step 04: Now, You may choose “Install the hardware that I manually select from the list (Advanced)” and click the Next button. See the below picture:

select the Advanced option from the list

Step 05: After successfully done, Show all devices, click the Next button and you must select the extracted file manually from your computer. Please check the below image to get an idea:

Show all devices now click the next button

Step 06: Now, Click on Have Disk Button > Locate at the Android CDC Driver (Android_Gadget_CDC_driver.inf) on your Computer.

Android CDC Driver
Android CDC Driver on your computer
go to device manager select cdc driver and upload it

Step 07: Once CDC driver is listed in the blank area, now click on Next button to continue.

after listed cdc driver install it

Step 08: Now, Again Click on Next Button.

click the next button

Step 09: Now, you will see a pop-up message "Install this driver software anyway" in the Windows security prompt window. If you would like to install, you need to click the correct option. See the below image:

see a pop up message install this driver osftware anyway

Step 10: Finally, you have done successfully, click the Finish button to complete the installation. See the below Image:

you have successfully install cdc driver

Cool, you may enjoy your Android device is now connected with your Computer PC/laptop.

Read Me Once

CDC USB Driver process will affect your Realme 5 RMX1911 phone data like images, videos, and files. We advise you before start cdc driver you need to create a backup and save it in a safe location.